Do what feels good.


Fat Chats

Drop in support for fat folks, queers & allies to find community & friendship.

Fat chats is an online space for super chill peer support and solidarity. It offers a casual, low pressure space for folks to connect and chat about food, bodies, politics, whatever!

How to join:

First: Say hello!

Book an introductory call using the scheduler below. Before you join the group, we’ll meet one another in a quick phone or video call. This is free and zero obligation, it’s just a chance for us to say hello and make sure the group will be a good fit for you.

Then: Book into the group call.

I’ll send you the exclusive (ooooh fancy!) link to sign up to attend the group calls. The group numbers are capped to maintain an intimate space where we can all speak and listen. These calls are free to current clients, for everyone else it’s on a sliding scale where you can chip in as much or as little as you like, any income from these calls goes straight back in to providing affordable care & covering boring stuff like zoom hosting on my end. You’ll have the opportunity in the booking to type out any topics you’d like to chat about, and enter an amount if you’ll be paying.

Finally: Show up.

We’ll meet over zoom (or hopefully in person soon) for an hour or so. The discussion is guided by the people in the room, so you’re welcome to show up with questions or ideas, or just go with the flow! You can pop in as regularly or irregularly as you like, I’ll be there to hold the space, facilitate discussion and offer my support as a clinician and peer.